Business R&R + A Weekend of Dopamine Hits

You know those Lululemon bags that are full of inspirational quotes? You know the one. There's a quote on there that says, "Do one thing every day that scares you." I don't know if I fully subscribe to that; I like my predictable and routine life, and I prefer to sprinkle in things that scare me. That's just me, though.

But I am about to do something that I've been humming and hawing about for weeks now, something that does scare me a little. It scares me because of all the stories I tell myself about business, entrepreneurship, not being cut out for it, and falling behind.

I'm going to take August off.

Okay, so now that I've said it, it's not that scary. Or is it? (TBD)

What does this mean for my business?

The work I do with my clients will not change. I LOVE being in the business, working 1:1, helping women work towards their health goals, sharing my thoughts and feelings about health, intuitive eating, and body goals. I love it all. But there's also the work that needs to be done ON the business: messaging, marketing, launching, creating endless content, thinking in the form of stories, reels, and captions, etc.

Since I started in 2019, I've been doing it all without taking much of a break.

I love bringing you into my world through the podcast, this newsletter, and my stories. AND, it does take time, effort, and energy.

The reason(s) behind taking my foot off the gas for the next month: I'm getting married!!!! I want to be fully present. I don't want to be thinking about that newsletter I didn't send and feeling guilty for "falling behind" in my business.

The second reason: I want to have the space, time, and energy to think about and start creating an offer that is at a lower price point, self-paced, and will help more people reach their body composition goals. I might even create an 8-week workout program.

Do I know what this break will look like? Not entirely. I'm not putting any hard and fast rules in place just yet, but what I do know is that my business and my life will benefit from a short time stepping back.

It might look like 3 IG posts per week instead of 7+. It might look like 1 newsletter in August instead of 4+. It might look like more podcasts (or less) depending on how I feel like sharing (or not sharing).

Rest assured, I'll keep you all updated on here when I return (don't worry, there's still for sure one more week of this newsletter until September) and on my Instagram and the Podcast.

One thing I do know is that time flies, especially when there's a big event happening. When I look back at 80 years old, I won't even think about this break that feels a little scary but necessary.

Speaking of breaks and taking your foot off the gas pedal, that is something I'm not sure Taylor Swift knows how to do, and shouldn't we all be so lucky!!!

I will do a recap of the show on this week's podcast, so if you're interested, you can listen later this week.

I'm still coming down from the full-body and brain high that I experienced on Saturday night for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Imagine standing on stage in front of 72,000 people, everyone belting out every single lyric to your songs. Imagine having that kind of influence? And yet, in the moments when she talked to the crowd and had a "frog in her throat" and had to have a little coughing fit on stage, she seemed very normal (considering how NOT normal her life is).

It was a magical and mind-blowing night that I'll never forget and I got to share it with Ryan, his brother, and SIL.

The energy, the positivity, the sparkles, and the celebration of women, femininity, and feminism were palpable, and it made me really proud to be a millennial woman.

I sometimes think about how we're often shamed and made fun of for liking "girly" things...and we're expected to grow out of girlhood while boys and men are encouraged (and celebrated) to play video games, buy trucks and boats and tools, and spend hours watching sports and making fantasy football teams.

Which is FIIIIINE!! And I like some of that stuff too.

But sometimes it feels like there's no "right way" to be a woman, and it can be f*cking exhausting. However, for those 3 hours and 15 minutes, I felt seen, I felt pure joy, and I felt empowered (as cheesy as that sounds).

Own what you like, no matter how mainstream, "girly," or "basic" it might be.

That's what I took away from that concert.

If you ever get the privilege and opportunity to see her live, GO. You won't regret it. 

Sending strength + encouragement to own what you like,


Ps. This is the final week to apply for 1-1 Health Coaching until the Fall! APPLY HERE

golden hour with my Love at the Era’s Tour <3

An Icon

Left to Right: Ryan’s Bro (Kevin), SIL (Heather), and ME anticipating her entrance!

An experience I will never forget!