Current Favourites

Outfit for our date night (don’t mind the dusty mirror lol)

Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was solid—got ahead on work, treated myself to a Michelin-starred spot we've been eyeing forever (totally lived up to the hype!), AND finally finished those thank you cards for our wedding guests from August!--better late than never, right? 

Today's blog post is all about sharing some of my current favs because sharing is caring, so let's dive in:

💪 3 Glute Builders I Swear By:

  1. Hip Thrusts—whether with a barbell or on the glute drive machine, these are gold.

  2. Front Foot Elevated Curtsy Lunge—love how it fires up those glutes and the extra range of motion(ROM) is no joke.

  3. Weighted Hip Extensions.

  4. 🌟Bonus move: bench side-lying leg lifts for that extra spicy ROM at the bottom!

🥩 3 Protein Picks to Fuel Up:

  1. Plain Greek Yogurt (LOVE SKYR in Canada and Fage in the US)

  2. Grass-fed (or non) ground beef—packed with B vitamins, iron, zinc, and healthy fats. It's so satiating and versatile.

  3. Edamame—add 'em to salads for that extra protein punch. Half a cup has about 11 grams of protein! Or just eat them as a snack with some sea salt--chef's kiss!

💪3 Exercises for Capped Delts:

  1. Cable Y-Raises—yes, they hit different! (Even harder when you're seated).

  2. Chest Supported DB Y-Raises—great for those middle delt fibres.

  3. Seated Cable Reverse Flys—for a killer posterior delt hit.

🎧What I'm currently listening to:

Now, for music because I believe everything should have a playlist, whether it be going for a walk, doing chores, running errands, or working, music makes all the difference—I can't get enough of "Is it Over Now? (Taylor's Version)", "Your Bones" by Chelsea Cutler, and "Lovin On Me" by Jack Harlow.

🎙️ My Podcast, the 3 top downloaded episodes of this year are:

1. What to expect in a Calorie Deficit: metabolism, hunger, and hormones!
2. The one about the wedding, with a special guest, MY HUSBAND
3. Recapping my fat loss phase, almond moms, an everything shower, childless millennial.

And lastly, my ride-or-die products:

  • Nutpods Creamer (original) - Link

  • Dark Chocolate Chips (Lily's or Enjoy Life)

  • Zevia (lemon/lime, Grapefruit, and creamy root beer—oh, so good!)

🎁A gift for you: 🎁
Use code:ALICIA10 for 10% off your first order with Natura Market when you spend $59.00 or more!

There you have it! Hope these picks add a little sparkle to your week! 🌟

Ps. Don't forget to stock up on your fav products and save 10% by using code: ALICIA10 when you shop with Natura Market 

Sending strength, encouragement, and glute gains,
