Is Macro Tracking the ONLY Solution for Body Goals?

Hey there,

I hope you had a great weekend and are stepping into this week feeling good, or at the very least, with a neutral vibe.

Today, I'm going to talk about the ongoing buzz surrounding macro tracking.

Its popularity seems to ebb and flow, though that might just be a quirk of my Instagram feed's algorithm.🤷‍♀️

If you're new to the world of tracking macros, it's basically about keeping track of your daily intake of proteins, carbs, and fats with the aim of staying within a specified calorie range and hitting those macro targets.

Some folks are hardcore macro trackers, and that's totally cool.

But I've always thought that identifying too strongly with a specific diet or eating style can feel a bit cultish.

So, why are some people all in on macro tracking?

  1. They're macro coaches, selling you a product.

  2. They've got a paid app to track macros, so they're in it for the profit.

  3. They've had success with macro tracking.

  4. It's brought them a newfound sense of food freedom.

  5. They're all about the data and the numbers.

  6. They love seeing how their body responds to different intake levels (deficit, maintenance, surplus).

  7. It helped them understand portion sizes and opt for more nutrient-dense foods.

  8. It's a combination of the above.

But like everything when it comes to health and nutrition, "it depends"...

Here are some drawbacks to consider:

  1. It can be super tedious.

  2. It might trigger obsessive food behaviours.

  3. It could limit your culinary creativity, like experimenting with elaborate recipes.

  4. Some folks only use it when they want to lose weight, so it's linked with dieting in their minds.

  5. It can turn you into a food robot, ignoring your natural hunger cues.

Truth be told, I've got a lukewarm take on tracking. If it works for you, that's awesome.

But if you find it too tiresome or if it starts fueling food obsessions, it might not be your jam (at least not right now, or maybe never).

According to the Insta fitness crowd, macro tracking is the ONLY way to transform your body, whether it's about losing fat or gaining muscle.💪

But let's not forget that people were getting results long before macro tracking took the fitness industry by storm.


🌟If you're NOT into tracking but still have body goals, I've gotchu:🌟

  • Aim for 1-2 palm-sized servings of protein with every meal.

  • Include fruits and veggies in your meals and snacks.

  • Practice mindful eating and savour each bite.

  • Get comfortable cooking a few staple meals or explore meal delivery services that match your goals.

  • Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

  • Ditch your devices while eating (at least for the first 2 minutes) – it's a game-changer.

  • A 30-minute daily walk or some low-intensity cardio works wonders.

  • Lift weights 2-5 days a week.

  • Kickstart your day with a hearty protein-packed breakfast. For instance, think eggs plus egg whites, sautéed kale, and peanut butter on toast, or Greek yogurt with protein powder and berries. 

Remember, it's all about finding what works for you, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Whether you're looking for help to figure out your macros and want some accountability or looking for help on how to eat in a way that supports your health and body goals, without all that tedious tracking? I've got two spots open!

If you're interested and ready to dive in, APPLY here. Once you've filled out the form, we can chat on the phone (no charge) so that you can decide whether this would be the next best step for you.

Sending strength, encouragement, and non-cultish ways of eating,
