Posts tagged dieting
How Come She Can Eat So Much and Look So Fit?

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram, wondering how can she eat all that food and still maintain such, lean, defined, toned, [insert your chosen adjective] physique?

It's extra frustrating when you're doing everything you're supposed to: hydrating, walking daily, lifting weights, eating veggies and protein. But then you're like, wait, how does she eat so much and stay lean? For years, I grappled with these same thoughts.

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Can You Lose Body Fat WITHOUT Tracking Calories or Macros?

I've been posting a Q+A on my Instagram every Sunday, where I answer questions on the podcast. One question caught my attention:

The Question:
How do you support clients with fat loss when they don't want to track?

For those unfamiliar with "tracking," it refers monitoring your macronutrients (Proteins/Carbs/Fats) and calorie intake.

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What If Restriction Feels Good??

I’m exploring this idea of intentional "restriction," aka, saying 'no' to food without it feeling like deprivation. Is it possible to put boundaries around what you’re eating without falling into an unhealthy relatinship with food? I think it’s all about mindset and how you’re approaching this!

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