Can You Lose Body Fat WITHOUT Tracking Calories or Macros?


I hope your weekend was everything you needed and more.

I've been soaking up the longer days, catching up with girlfriends, eating some delicious gluten-free cookies from my favourite coffee spots, and enjoying some cozy nights in.

Speaking of which, we're gearing up for a week in Mexico starting Friday, so it was nice to have a chill weekend at home before the trip.

Let's dive into today's topic!

I've been posting a Q+A on my Instagram every Sunday, where I answer questions on the podcast. One question caught my attention:

The Question:
How do you support clients with fat loss when they don't want to track?

For those unfamiliar with "tracking," it refers monitoring your macronutrients (Proteins/Carbs/Fats) and calorie intake.

Here's why I loved this question: 

  1. While macro tracking offers benefits like customization and accountability, it's not the only path to fat loss.

  2. With macro tracking really having a moment, I think it's crucial to talk about other ways to work towards physique changes that are just as valuable as tracking food intake.

So, here's how I'd approach fat loss with a client would doesn't want to track their food: 

✨Start with an open conversation, acknowledging that opting for a non-tracking route may involve more trial and error and therefore take longer to get to their goal. Which is totally fine, it's just important to manage expectations.

✨Focus on meal composition and structure: For example, fill half your plate with non-starchy veggies, a quarter with lean protein, a quarter with complex carbs, and include a thumb-sized serving of healthy fats.  

✨Establish a consistent eating pattern aligned with their lifestyle, ensuring they consume a good serving of protein for breakfast (about 30 grams).

✨Address social situations and home environment to indirectly lower overall calorie intake (e.g., opting for diet soda, food prepping, bigger meals = less snacking, moderation with alcohol).  

✨Exercise!!! So important. Something like lifting weights 2-4 times a week and daily movement like walking.

✨Track progress using data such as the scale, photos, clothing fit, and overall well-being, adjusting strategies as we progress.

In addition to the above and if they're open to it:⬇️

They could try tracking for 1-2 weeks to understand portion sizes better and identify satiating foods. This can be a humbling experience, especially when discovering that a serving of peanut butter is smaller than expected! (Just me?!)

Ultimately, it's about sustainable, healthy habits, not complex or restrictive approaches.

I hope that helps if this is something you've wondered about yourself.

Sending strength, encouragement, and empowering you to find your own path to achieve your goals,


If you're interested in working together to reach your physique goals and keep healthy habits at the forefront, you can APPLY HERE.