Posts tagged weight gain
Weight Loss is Both Simple and Complexed (Oprah's viral clip)

So, I wanted to chat about Oprah's recent interview with two MDs, the CEO of Weight Watchers, and a psychologist. Here's the viral clip that I'll be talking about in this newsletter.

Here are my quick thoughts: Oprah and the psychologist touched on some key points about obesity being recognized as a disease, which is a big deal. It's not just about willpower anymore; there's more to it.

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The Post-Vacation Detox Dilemma

The Bathroom Stall Wisdom: Detox Dilemma

While we were at The Sphere (seriously, so cool!), I went to bathroom before the show/experience started.

The woman in the stall next to me was telling her friend that she was planning to do a detox post-trip, and her friend agreed, I believe her exact reply was, "OMG, ME TOO!"

Now, I couldn't resist the temptation to eavesdrop (I mean, we're practically stallmates, right?), and I couldn't help but think about how many people are going to attempt a post-Vegas detox starting least a few hundred, right???

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Is Your Metabolism Broken If You Can't Eat 2500+ Calories???

Ever seen those 'reverse diet' claims on Instagram, promising weight loss by eating more?

Reality check: it's often about stopping restriction-binge cycles, making daily intake less but feeling like more.

Also, your metabolism isn't 'broken' if it doesn't match a CrossFit champ's or a fitness influencer's diet. Their activity levels are their job!

Understanding our unique metabolic needs is crucial. Today's newsletter dives into debunking the 'eat more to lose weight' myth and dive into the nuances.

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